Crossword Solver
This Crossword Word Finder will take a clue and an optional answer pattern to help you solve your Crossword Puzzle.
You can use wildcards to make the pattern.. i.e. G??? for a 4 letter word starting with G
How Does This Crossword Puzzle Solver Work?
Our Crossword Puzzle Solver is simple on purpose, so you can quickly solve tricky crossword puzzle clues and move on. Just enter the clues and an optional pattern, and we will do the rest!
We include the answers to clues from all major publications, such as the LA Times, The NY Times, USA Today, The Guardian, Daily Celebrity.
How do you Solve Crossword Puzzles?
Although our English Crossword Puzzle Search makes it easy, here are a few tips if you want to solve it yourself:
Tips for Solving Crosswords:
- Always work in pencil. You will most likely need to erase a lot!
- Think about the theme you are working with. The crossword puzzle's title usually relates to at least some of the crossword clues.
- Start with the fill in the blank crossword clues first. Usually, they are the easiest to solve, and they give hints on how to fill out the rest of your crossword puzzle.
- Go for the short words first. Short words are a lot easier and help you gain extra clues on longer word answers.
- Check for plurals. Often you may have the correct answer but in the singular form. Always check to see if the plural form fits.
- Ask around for help. Ask people you know, who knows; they might know the answer right away.
- Relax! It's all in fun.
How do you Solve Cryptic Crosswords?
Need more crossword help? Our puzzle solver also works on cryptic crossword puzzles & general knowledge crosswords.
- Read the clue forwards and backward
- Think about the clue as a whole
- Count the number of letters.
- Cryptic crosswords are a lot harder to solve, so be patient and don't forget to tap outside resources