ZAFFER21 is a valid Scrabble Word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada)

ZAFFER21 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries)

ZAFFER21 is a valid word in WWF

Definitions for Zaffer

(n.) A pigment obtained, usually by roasting cobalt glance with sand or quartz, as a dark earthy powder. It consists of crude cobalt oxide, or of an impure cobalt arseniate. It is used in porcelain painting, and in enameling pottery, to produce a blue color, and is often confounded with smalt, from which, however, it is distinct, as it contains no potash. The name is often loosely applied to mixtures of zaffer proper with silica, or oxides of iron, manganese, etc.

Unscrambled Words using the letters ZAFFER

Below is a list of additional words that can be unscrambled from the letters A E F F R Z

6 letter words made using the letters ZAFFER

4 letter words made using the letters ZAFFER

3 letter words made using the letters ZAFFER

2 letter words made using the letters ZAFFER

Other Words With Letters ZAFFER

This is a list of words related to the letters zaffer Information
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