Here are the details, including the meaning, point value, and more about the Scrabble word EXECUTE. Below
execute is worth 18 points in the game of Scrabble
Definitions for the word, execute
(v. i.) To do one's work; to act one's part of purpose.
(v. i.) To perform musically.
(v. t.) To complete, as a legal instrument; to perform what is required to give validity to, as by signing and perhaps sealing and delivering; as, to execute a deed, lease, mortgage, will, etc.
(v. t.) To follow out or through to the end; to carry out into complete effect; to complete; to finish; to effect; to perform.
(v. t.) To give effect to; to do what is provided or required by; to perform the requirements or stimulations of; as, to execute a decree, judgment, writ, or process.
(v. t.) To infect capital punishment on; to put to death in conformity to a legal sentence; as, to execute a traitor.
(v. t.) To perform, as a piece of music, either on an instrument or with the voice; as, to execute a difficult part brilliantly.
(v. t.) Too put to death illegally; to kill.